Archive | June, 2015

Dear Daddy

24 Jun

 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it,
for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth
will bring their splendor into it.
  On no day will its gates ever be shut,
for there will be no night there.

Revelation 21:23-25


Life is busy and it always seems like there are never enough hours in a day to accomplish the to-do list.  So, I usually don’t make one any more.  If it gets done, then terrific.  If it doesn’t, then there’s tomorrow.  The dust accumulates, the laundry piles up, and the grass needs to be cut every few days.  In the midst of the normal and the usual, there remains a void.  A vacancy that entered my life 21 years ago.  It came without being invited or even expected, although there were all kinds of symptoms pointing out the obvious.  Denial maybe, or simply love wouldn’t let my heart and my mind go there.  But it happened anyway.


Me and my Daddy

Me and my Daddy

It’s that time of year, you know.  Father’s Day, June 24th, and then your 59th wedding anniversary on July 7th.  We really don’t need these special days to remember you.  You truly do live on in our hearts and in our minds.  We post pictures of you on Facebook and tell stories about ’55 Chevys, fishing trips, vacations and working midnights at Ford Motor Company.   These photos and tales trigger personal nuggets of warm fond memories that usually bring a smile to the hearts of friends and family.


I often wonder what you would think about some of the trends of the day, like Starbucks.  You, the king of coffee – would you have become a coffee snob and preferred the fresh roasted coffee beans of the local coffee shops?   How about cable TV, laptop computers and tablets, and smart phones?  Mother just upgraded to one and is even impressing me with her ability to conquer the newest technology of an iphone 6!  Would you two share a cell phone or would you both need to have your own so Mom could track you down at the lake and remind you that it was soon time for supper?  Sigh …


Much talk of a grand reunion of great friends and brothers in Christ has taken place in the past few months since Bro. Bill Denny passed away in February.  I’m sure you enjoy watching the shuffle board tournaments along the Streets of Gold as you cast your fishing line out into the Crystal River nearby.  I also wonder about the trends of the day there … what is it like to be reunited with life-long friends and loved ones?  Does Heaven have seasons?  Are your hunting beagles there, along with Pudgy, Toy, Angie … and my Scottie?  How about my sibling … my twin?  Did I have a sister or another brother?  And then there’s Jesus.  Do you actually fish, talk to others and walk about, or are you forever enthralled with the Presence of Jesus Himself?  Sigh …


Ryan and Kim with their grandpa

Ryan and Kim with their grandpa

You are never far from my thoughts, Daddy.  Somehow we have learned to live this crazy busy life without you.  We have loved, laughed and lived.  I miss you more than words could ever begin to express — I personally ache inside over my own loss of you not being in my children’s lives and in Cole and Lillie’s lives … and for the fact that you are not here growing old with mom.  Sigh …


I celebrate you today, Dad!  Even in the midst of the busy days, the thoughts of you, the random sadness that settles down on my spirit from time to time, even after 21 years, I celebrate you and the victory over death and the grave!  Heaven continues to get sweeter and sweeter with the passing of our friends and family.  It is quite possible that you still work the midnight shift (although Jesus will be the Light even at midnight!), coffee cup in one hand and the other outstretched to greet and welcome those arriving.  Someday …


I love you, Daddy!
Your Bobbie Naw