Tag Archives: YouTube

Your Love Never Fails

11 Nov

Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the Lord your God goes with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

Our little granddaughter loves life!   She loves to sing.  She loves to perform.  I believe in her little 3 year-old heart that she loves Jesus.  You put all of that together and you get Lillie in a variety of entertaining conversations, situations and performances!


This past summer’s VBS filled Lillie to over-flowing with songs, scriptures, hand motions and excitement!  Just last week when Lillie and Cole were going to the doctor for their annual flu shot, she reminded her big brother about being “strong and courageous, do not be terrified!”  Lillie’s simple trust in Jesus and the scripture that she repeats over and over and over has begun to set a firm foundation of real faith and Relationship for this little girl.


Another favorite and very repetitive past time for Lillie is to sing.  If there are hand motions to the song, then she’s all about it!  And if it’s a song that she has learned from a Disney movie, she choreographs the song herself and literally puts on a show that must be watched by all!  She’s so fun!


My birthday was last month.  It was a fun time, filled with lots of birthday greetings and fuss (love the fuss!) great food, and a trip to Indianapolis to celebrate with family.  One of the best gifts, however, was not wrapped or even presented to me as part of my special day.  It was a video sent to Mimi, during my workday, of Lillie riding her scooter … singing a very repetitive song with hand motions.  Little does this energetic preschooler know that she has a ministry of sharing God’s Love to those around her … the neighbors, her momma, her Mimi, and now you.  Does she realize the true meaning of the message she sings?  She slurs right over the first ‘never’, but with each and every repetitive phrase, the truth of God’s love that NEVER fails, never gives up and never runs out is being embedded into this tender and impressionable young soul.  Just knowing that is a gift!!


We all have things in our life that fail us, that give up and even run out on us…  Appliances, patience, computers, energy, vehicles, jobs, health, money, … and  people. In the midst of a fallen world, our God is Faithful.  Won’t you join me in being reminded of this truth?  Click here https://youtu.be/cZvrBOyWq08  to watch the video of this precious little missionary who continually reminds her world that God’s Love never fails, It never gives up and It never runs out on us!

Until next time!


Your love never fails, never gives up
Never runs out on me

Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change
One thing remains

On and on and on and on It goes
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul
And I never, ever, have to be afraid
One thing remains

Your love never fails, never gives up
Never runs out on me

In death, in life I’m confident and covered
by the power of Your great love
My debt is paid
There’s nothing that can separate
my heart from Your great love